Game Booster Software cocok bagi teman-teman yang suka bermain game di komputer. Software ini dirancang untuk mempercepat kinerja komputer ketika bermain game dengan mengoptimalkan hardware dan penggunaan ram yang dimaksimalkan sehingga permainan game dapat berjalan dengan mulus.
Game Booster bekerja dengan memperbarui driver hardware, men-download perangkat game penting, pengaturan tweaker sistem untuk game, defragmenting direktori permainan, mematikan proses background sementara, membersihkan RAM, dan mengintensifkan kinerja prosesor.
Game Booster bekerja dengan memperbarui driver hardware, men-download perangkat game penting, pengaturan tweaker sistem untuk game, defragmenting direktori permainan, mematikan proses background sementara, membersihkan RAM, dan mengintensifkan kinerja prosesor.
Key Benefits in Game Booster v2:
1-Click Boosting Game Performance
Game Booster v2 can easily and fast close background processes and unnecessary Windows services, to speed up you game playing and avoid possible conflicts and incompatibility. With the innovative “Enhanced 3rd parties’ services detection” technology, Game Booster v2 can automatically detect and close more unnecessary background services.
Game Booster v2 can easily and fast close background processes and unnecessary Windows services, to speed up you game playing and avoid possible conflicts and incompatibility. With the innovative “Enhanced 3rd parties’ services detection” technology, Game Booster v2 can automatically detect and close more unnecessary background services.
Defragments Game Files
With the improved defragment engine, Game Booster v2 can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
With the improved defragment engine, Game Booster v2 can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
Tweak System for Top PC Performance
Game Booster v2 can tweak your PC for the ultimate system and Internet speed with a single click.
Game Booster v2 can tweak your PC for the ultimate system and Internet speed with a single click.
- Diskonek internet
- Instal Game Booster
- Copy Patch ke direktori instalasi
- Jalankan Patch
- Klik tombol PATCH dan lakukan patch 2 file GameBooster.exe dan madexcept_.bpl
- Klik Tombol GEN untuk mendapatkan key, lalu klik tombol COPY
- Jalankan Game Booster, Klik tombol Upgrade
- Masukan License code yang sudah kita copy sebelumnya
- Klik Tombol Activate Now
- Penting.. Kalau ada access internet ke Game Booster, block dengan firewall kalau tidak Game Booster akan kembali ke versi free
Size:6.8 MB
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